Helping site owners
We inform the site owners on time about errors and problems on all pages of the site.
This allows you not to lose position in the search results and improve the user experience.
Our report contains recommendations and code snippets.
What is a good website?
- Works fast
- Has easy navigation
- User friendly
- Adheres to the semantic structure
- Has no broken links and broken pages
- Provides additional meta information

How to make a website good?
Follow a list of simple rules that help users, search engines and screen readers work with your site.
CheckCheck helps site owners to keep abreast of the status of all pages on the site, even if there are thousands of them.
Thanks to timely information, site owners can respond faster and use recommendations CheckCheck .

Fast multithreaded download
When it comes to small sites, then all parameters can be analyzed manually or use browser extensions.
However, when it comes to large sites with tens of thousands of pages, it becomes more difficult to track errors on them and more labor intensive.
CheckCheck scans every page and shows every problematic piece of code.

Regular Auto Scan
Regular scanning allows you to detect broken subsections of the site before going there a visitor or a search robot has come.
Their timely detection allows you to react quickly and not allow the page to fall out of the search index.
Also CheckCheck detects problems with site semantics, problems with meta tags, micro-markup and much more.

Important checks
The list of checks is constantly growing and the existing ones are being finalized and adjusted to meet modern web requirements.
How it works
A distributed search engine loads the pages of the site in several threads.
The responses are parsed, the headers and the document object model parsed.
The answer goes through the list of validators, all errors are accumulated for the final report.
The report contains errors, recommendations and codes in HTML, PDF and Excel formats in English, Spanish and Russian .